Friday, June 29, 2018

I will give my best to satisfy them.

I will give my best to satisfy them.


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I offer electrical and electronics engineering services in all levels:
These are particulars of my profession:

  1. Power System Operation and Control
  2. Engineering physics
  3. Electronic devices and circuits
  4. Power electronics 
  5. Digital systems design
  6. Electrical systems and power electronics
  7. Electronic System Design
  8. Wind energy
  9. solar energy
  10. thermal energy
  11. hydro electricity 
  12. linear circuits; DC and AC analysis
  13. Digital communications
  14. Digital systems: logic gates and microprocessors 
  15. Machine Drives 
  16. and many more

kindly contact me before placing your order


abood965:Good \n..


nawaf77:Thank you brother

iyousaf:you're welcome

abood965:Very very good and helpful

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