Sunday, July 29, 2018

I will help improve your english speaking skills

I will help improve your english speaking skills


I will help you learn to speak English, regardless of your current ability. Or, if you already speak English, I can help you to improve your pronunciation, vocabulary, conversational skills, or critique your writing. We can talk over the phone or via Skype. 

I encourage you to contact me with any questions or concerns in advance of our session. My Basic package consists of a 5 minute phone call, which most likely will not provide sufficient time for me to adequately assess your level and make recommendations for increasing your speaking ability. If you decide to continue working with me after our introductory conversation, I highly recommend my premium package, where I can create a customized lesson for you, based on your particular needs and desired focus.

I look forward to meeting you, and helping you become a better speaker of English!

Sincerely, Ms. Figtree







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