Saturday, July 28, 2018

I will be your personal chess coach

I will be your personal chess coach


First, I implement chess topics that are absolute necessity to know for each player: how to create a plan, pawn breaks, exchanges to name a few. I will explain you the topic, we will look at some examples, and then I will give you 10 (can be less if you don't have time) positions (positional exercises) from that topic that you will have to solve till next lesson. 

Then I will also check your games and see how you implement the knowledge into practice, I will explain you mistakes and give you a general path, how to avoid making same mistakes next time. After you will get the needed knowledge of the main topics you will already be a very strong player, bashing local club players blindfolded and of course I will constantly work on your weaknesses as well - openings/endgames. I always provide homework so that you could work on your own as well.

I like to use skype for vocal communication between us and then I will provide you a link to a website where we will both be able to see a chess board, make moves and analyze there. I am looking forward to working with you. 







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